Hi, beautiful ladies ,today i am going to tell you how you can get glow with ROOP MANTRA face wash .roop mantra itself a big name,it dosent need any discription for its quality.its name is suffecient for its branding.it beling to DIVISHA HERBAL CARE,ONE OF THE BIGGEST AYURVEDIC FMCG COMPANY established in HIMACHAL PRADESH.they always give the perfect result and day by day improving their quality standerd of herbal personal care & health segment to create the new beauti era.
In todays busy life and poluted environment day by day our skin is facing differnt problems means excess deposition of oil,dust pimples ,tanning of skin,bacterial deposition and mAny more face problems. to getrid of from these problems most of us get in serch of various products, most of the products are made with harmful chemicals which in prior face gives good results but after some time it runed our skin but , ROOP MANTRA face wash is a natural product that deep cleanses our face without affecting our skin texture.that means it is totally skin friendly.
roop mantra always use natural ingredints like cucumber,haldi,alovera ,neem,mint toprepare natural facewash.we all are aware about the medicinal benifits and health benefits of cucumber,haldi,aloevera,neem and mint.thus roop mantra use them to give us the refresh,clean,blemish free skin thus it gives complete care of skin and makes our skin healthy.in short we can say that roop mantra maintain our skin glow and beauti of skin.
now i am going to tell you about the different face wash of roop mantra and their benefits for our face.
- Roop Mantra Herbal Face Wash is natural product composed of HERBAL EXTRACT OF CUCUMBER ,which act as moisture regulating agent and hydrate thde skin thus gently act on the skin and cleans the skin naturally.
- this face wash is one of the best Ayurvedic care product that helps in preventing pimples, acne and dark spots,it keeps skin revitalizing and hydrated.
- it is totally herbal product thus delivers long lasting benefits in removing dust, dirt, pollutants and make up.
- it is an exclusive product to clear off oil & debris, dirt, dead cells and other environmental pollutants
- no chemicals are added into it.
- it is prepared from the extract of cucumber,also include NEEM, MANJISHTA, ALOEVERA, KUSTHA, HARIDRA, PUDINA,AMD MINT thus gives refreshing effect after washing the face.
- it is also beneficial in bug bites,cuts,and in burns as contain cucumber extract and mint which have cold effect on burn part.
- it provide smoother skin and enhance skin glow,clean deeply and maintain hydration the skin.
- neem which is have many medicinal effect thus prevent from skin infection
- prevent wrinkles formation thus helpful in old age effect
- it has plesent smell of cucumber.mostly helpful in summer and for oily skin.remove dirt and oil deeply maintain beauty of skin and shine for long time.
- we all are aware with the medicinal value of neem since years ago.it is ayurvedic plat and thus its leaf known as wonder leaf and known for its anti bacteraial and anti bacterial property.thus due to its antibacterial and antifungal property it fight with bacteri abd fungus and germ formationso prevent from impurities ,dirt,infectionand gives us flowless skin.
- it prevent from the formation of pimple formation ,dark spot and also prevent the formation of dark circle below the eyes.
- tulsi also known as amedicinal plant have the property of abtibacterial,detoxifying,purifying and cleaning agent,thus it exfoliate the skin and make the skin dirt free and germ free.
- tulsi cintain essencial oil,vitamin C and A thus healing property of the skin is good from any ifection.
- contain antioxident thus respiration of the face skin pores is highly active.
- turmeric a powerful healing antiseptic agent makes skin radiant and glowing.it maintain smoothness of skin and maintain its toinning property.
- also makes skin wrinkle free, prevent from pimpes ,deeply clean the skin,control blemishes.
- fruit are always healthy for health,it maintain natural glow and softness of the skin.
- it gives natural fruit touch and refress the skin,gives glow to the skin.
- it maintain skin cleanliness with the goodness of natural fruit and prevent from the harshness of the chemicals.
- it contain apple,grape seeds,carrot,aloe vera,and almond which gives nourishment to the skin.
- grape seeds is an excellent ingredient that makes skin smooth and removes dead cells from skin. it is an antioxidant agent thus reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fights against other signs of aging, also provides sunburn protection.
- it instantly gives radiant skin,preventing blemishes and pimples and also eliminate skin dirt.
- Apple is known for its antioxidant and astringent activity which also hydrates and cleanse skin deeply. The goodness of apple on the skin is countless. Its effective cleansing property makes skin spotless, young and reduces skin dullness.
- Carrots have numerous medicinal value on the skin including moisturizing effect, reduces fine lines, blemishes or scars. It is suitable for both dry and oily skin.
- Aloe Vera is found to have an immense beneficial effect on health and skin. This quality enhancer of skin gives complete nourishment to the skin by increasing skin glow, preventing early signs of aging, making skin smoother and softer.
- It also moisturizes skin, fights against acne and helps in clearing blemishes. Besides, it gives better protection from sunburn with an excellent soothing effect.
- Almond gives a radiant, flawless skin. It easily penetrates into the skin, providing softness to skin and also removes dirt and debris accumulated in the skin pores. It prevents blackheads, acne and also useful for sensitive skin. It gives younger looking skin after every wash.
- this face wash contain fruit thus contain great amount of antioxident,thus prevent sun block effect and clogged pores.
- remove blackheads and help in getting radient and refreshing skin.
- healthy for all type of skin
- . It is important to provide a proper cleanup to the skin to remove facial dirt, grime and clogged pores because complete cleanup care is necessary to get a clear, radiant, spotless and healthy skin. The only way to maintain proper cleanliness of the skin is to use aloevera.
- aloe Vera earned have immense beneficial effect for both health and skin. It is considered as Nature’s Silent Healer and provides complete nourishment to the skin
- it increasing skin glow, preventing early signs of aging, making skin smoother and softer.
- Apart from this, Aloe Vera also provides an effective moisturizing effect and helps in retaining the natural quality of the skin, fights against acne, removes the signs of premature aging, helps in clearing blemishes
- it enhances skin glow to the skin and provides better protection from suntan with an excellent soothing effect.
- tulsi the Holy Basil is full of essential oil and Vitamin A and C. With an effective antibacterial, detoxifying, cleansing and purifying properties,
- Tulsi provides an immense beneficial effect on overall skin health, removing blemishes, acne, pimples and protect the skin against the effects of oxidative damage.
- It also exfoliates skin & makes it dirt and germ-free and restores skin glow and prevents skin infections.
- neem The “wonder leaf” contains an excellent antibacterial, antifungal properties, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It fights against bacterial infection, fungus, dirt and a germ effectively.
- Neem also helpful in removing pimples, acne, redness, excess oil and to soothes and moisturizes skin, enhancing overall skin health.
- Roop Mantra Lime & Mint Face Wash is specially designed for all types of skin.
- Enriched with natural ingredients like Lemon fruit peel, Tulsi leaf, Pudina leaf and Aloe Vera leaf extracts.
- Helps in removing skin dirt without causing any harm to the skin
- it Cleans dirt, grime and clogged pores and removes the kin dryness and roughness, maintaining proper hydration. Removes blackheads, acne marks, wrinkles, pimples, blemishes and helps in getting glowing and refreshing skin.
- This product is ideal for regular use.
- Lemon fruit peel enhances the complexion and skin texture. it nourishes the skin .Lemon peel contains the important essential oil limonene along with citral, flavonoids etc thus it helps in enhancing the clarity, glow and softness of the skin.Citric acid present in Lemon peel provides proper cleansing,removes dead skin, stimulates new skin growth, contributing enhanced skin’s luster and complexion.
- The Holy Basil is also known as “King of Herbs”. With an effective anti-aging properties, Tulsi provides an immense beneficial effect on overall skin health.It restores and adds more glow to the skin by removing blemishes, acne, pimples and protect the skin against the effects of oxidative damage.Basil prevents skin infections,
- it lightens the skin tone and helps in tightning the skin pores.
- Aloe Vera work as Nature’s Silent Healer which provides an immense beneficial effect on the skin. Aloe Vera helps in retaining the natural qualityof the skin by maintaining the moisture of the skin and gives complete nourishment,
- it making skin smoother and softer. Aloe Vera contains an effective moisturizing effect along with other skin beneficial properties like fights against acne,
- helps in clearing blemishes, remove the signs of premature aging, adds more glow to the skin and provides better protection from sunburn with an excellent soothing effect.
- Pudina is known for its refreshing property thus gives an extremely refreshing and soothing effect on the skin. Dealing with various skin problems like acne, blackheads, blemishes, signs of premature aging, skin irritation etc., it rejuvenates the skin and maintain proper skin hydration, making it lighten and brighten up.
- it gives Proper cleansing which is required to maintain a clean, glowing, spotless and healthy skin.