For most of the booming businesses in modern times, although QuickBooks Online is a choice, but for many, QuickBooks Desktop is still more reliable and robust. Want to move from QuickBooks Online to Desktop, but don’t know the steps? You are at the right place.
This article shall provide you with a thorough step-by-step walkthrough for transferring from QuickBooks Online to Desktop. Just ensure that you go through the article till the very end and implement all the measures in a sequential order.
QuickBooks Desktop offers certain distinctive features which are not available in the QuickBooks Online version. These features include:
• Ability to Undo transactions.
• Batch Invoicing
• Customization of Invoice Templates.
• Plethora of other customizations and integrations.
• Ability to revert back to an older company file version.
• Recurring transactions
• Unwarranted/Unacceptable online banking transactions
• Voided transfers
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