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Communication happens to be the most powerful tool in today’s business world.

These days when consumers can make purchases with just the click of a finger, it is essential for the brick and mortar shops to stand out and entice their audience with the help of augmented inventory, enhanced services and better communication.

Though with the current scenario, it may seem impossible to compete with the online businesses that seem most lucrative any day, the right promotional ideas can assist you to boost your brand and make your business as successful as the online counterparts.

These retails that function offline, are, in fact, at an advantageous position to connect with the customers in a direct way and provide great customer experience.

The customer events are an outstanding way to help the brick and mortar shops and to compel the audience to head to your store. The best events offer something of value to the customers and create for them an experience rather than just shopping.

Here are some ideas so that retail unit can give rise to a grand event. Just take a look.

  • Host a Learning Event – During such an event you try to teach your attendees about how to perform certain things. The options are limitless here and can include things like make-up artists revealing the latest highlighting and contouring techniques, a food and wine pairing, an aesthetician addressing the effects of ageing or perks of appropriate skincare and so on. Such sessions are exciting and knowledgeable, and your consumers are bound to line up for such a session.

  • Put Together a Ramp Show – This kind of events works best for the accessory and apparel stores. You can bring up the models or can jus ask your customers to participate. You can host such an event while launching a new product line or showcase your items. Many retail stores are seen to succeed with that in the past, too. The next time you want to showcase your newly launched products go for this event and see how your customers gush about it.

  • Go for a Hands-on or Interactive Event – Just like the learning one, an interactive event takes the tutorials and helps the attendees to come up with results. It allows the attendees to roll up the sleeves for learning and performing all at the same time. Some of the exciting examples of the hands-on events can include a printer displaying how to go about creating letterpress cards, a plant nursery showing how to pot the tender plants in mini terrariums or a software company allowing the customers for creating an app using a specific technology. For example, the Apple store always tries to explore how allowing your customers experience your product or service can make all the difference.

  • Arrange a Retail Marketing Breakfast – You can arrange an event exclusively for the retail entrepreneurs for networking and learn about the event strategy of the brand. You can involve tasks that will keep the guests engaged and interested in a long time. You will see how your guests and you both get valuable insights about the industry from such a session. Such events are also a success and enable brand promotion in a great way.

  • Hold Events Offsite – The retail events do not always take place within the store. If you have a lot of people attending or if your business is of the sports niche, then you can opt for the activities outside of your store location. Many athletic retailers are organizing running events where the runners go out and participate together in events. This does not just fuel the growth of the business but if you can take photos and promote such event, this also assists in brand building. As the customers themselves tag and share such pictures over the social media, your business also gets a positive word of mouth through the event.

The above are some of the event types that you can organize for your retail store. For the in-house events, you should see to it that you have gone for the perfect decor. In this case, the affordable chair hire can assist you to achieve the right décor without digging the pocket. Only then you will be able to impress your audience and make your brand stand out.

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