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What Most Successful Entrepreneurs Read

What Most Successful Entrepreneurs Read? 5 Books You Should Start Reading Today

What do the world’s most successful entrepreneurs have in common? Apart from being highly successful, they all dedicated an hour to reading books. Whether it is Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey, they all love to read books, learn new things and do tasks management effectively. In fact, this is one of the reasons why that they are leaps and bounds above the rest. They know that if they want to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving business world, they will have to keep learning and innovating.

Even if you try to walk in their footsteps, the first question that arises in your mind is which books I should read? Instead of looking elsewhere for book suggestions, why not ask from these successful entrepreneurs themselves. Here are five books most successful entrepreneurs read and you should as well to improve your business .

1.     Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Have you just laid the foundation for your startup and want to take it to the next level? If yes, then Elon Musk thinks that you should read this book by Peter Thiel. In this Peter Thiel give you the formula of dominating the industry you are operating in by telling small businesses to focus on creating monopoly instead of being a part of the competition. According to the author, “Monopolies have far greater profits, pricing power, and ability to think long-term.” To do that, your business should focus on a niche market.

2.     Competing Against Time: How Time-Based Competition is Reshaping Global Markets

Recommended by Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, you tend to expect big things from this book and it does not disappoint. The author, George Stalk put time against money, productivity, quality and innovation and provides an interesting comparison. He argues that the way you manage time in your business process can make or break your business. It can either be the source of business advantage or it can leave you far behind in the race. With a plethora of examples from companies with time-based strategies implemented, you cannot disagree with the author. To succeed, your business should give users what they want and when they want it otherwise, competitors will do it and take the lead.

3.     Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street

“Business Adventures remains the best business book I’ve ever read.” —Bill Gates

If a book is regarded that highly by the likes of Bill Gates, you can expect it to be right up there with some of the best business books out there and it is. This book is filled with business disaster stories that can teach you some valuable business lessons and prevent your business from falling into the same predicament that other businesses have gone in. Throw in some elements of drama and adventure and how Wall Street works and it makes this book a fascinating read for young entrepreneurs. Although the focus of this book is on finance it does not look as boring as other similar books.

4.     The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business

Amazon CEO and currently the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos regard this book highly. He is not the only one raving about this book. The late great Steve Jobs and bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell also thinks along the similar lines. Innovation expert Clayton Christensen provides an interesting account of how even great companies can lose their market share despite doing everything right. The author argues that most companies miss opportunities for innovation and stick to their tried and tested methods. The book also shows the way when it comes to acing disruptive innovation.

5.     Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group thinks that if you want to become a successful business leader in today’s turbulent business world, then you must read this book. This autobiography of Nelson Mandela gives you a glimpse into the life of one of the best leader world has ever seen. After spending a quarter of a century behind the bars, Nelson Mandela came out in 1990 and fought for human rights and racial oppression in South Africa and help it liberate it from the jaws of poverty, inequality, and racism. Even though the book has nothing to do with business but it will give you some pearls of leadership wisdom that will help you overcome the odds as an entrepreneur.

Which of these books you have read? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below.


Muhummad.Osama is an expert in social media marketing on various websites. He is a passionate digital strategist, associated with Branex. He has worked with various other brands and create value for them.

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