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Looking for best punching bag workout the you visit a right video blog. Throwing a few quick jabs at a punching bag may not seem too hard, but if you’ve never used a heavy bag during a boxing workout, you’re in for a challenge.

Most heavy punching bags weigh between 50 and 150 pounds. So every time you lay into the bag, your fist, foot, or knee is met with significant resistance. Before throwing some hard punches you must first engage your entire body, including your core, shoulders, and hips, to control your movements as you hit the bag. and then gradually you will see results Of course, any exercise requiring this type of total-body engagement can help you torch calories, strengthen your major muscle groups, and boost bone density.1 Even more than that, though, boxing against a heavy bag require extra power and strength to repeatedly punching on punching bag with full energy.

Punching Bag Workout somehow looks simple but it requires basic strength and techniques To complete the workout, perform each exercise according to the suggested time intervals. After finishing all of the exercises, rest for a minute, then repeat the series a second time for a total of 20 minutes. Twenty minutes may not seem like much, but don’t underestimate this challenge—you’re practically guaranteed to break a sweat.


  •  Do little bit warmup for your wrist before having your boxing gloves
  • Cross punches (dominant side): 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
  • Cross punches (non-dominant): 45 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
  • Side kick-punch combo: 90 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
  • Twist your wrists upside down to create motion in your wrist and it will activate wrist muscles.
  • Rotate your wrist in 360 degree position to activate all inner muscles linked with your wrist .
  • You will feel the pressure while performing these activities which I have performed in this video
  • Talk to your trainer or doctor before performing any such king of workout if you are facing any kind of pain in your hand
  • Perform these activities as per your level and gradually increase your repetition. In nut shell building wrist , punches or strength strength can also help you prevent from any kind of sever injury. there are other workouts too which you can do in gyms or any where under guidance of your trainer.

Your questions:

1. Best Punching bag workout ?

2. Best punching bag workout for weight loss

3. Punching bag workout benefits ?

4. Punching bag workout results?

5. Punching bag workout for beginners ?

6. Punching bag workout calorie burned ?

7. Punching bag workout video ?

8. 1 minute best punching bag workout ?

9. How to do punching bag workout ?

10. Make stronger punches through punching bag workout ?

#exercises #boxing #punchingbag #workout #actoramityadav


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Review my previous fitness videos also:

  1. How to loose belly fat in 10 days
  2. Perfect Wrist and forearms workout
  3. Best 2 Minute core workout


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