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Amazing Health Benifits Of Sweet Potatoes After Workout

We all need healthy body. Heathy body requires strict daily workout and   proper and complete healthy diet. Specially people who are fitness lovers are specially taking care of their deit. A complete diet contains vitamins, minerals , proteins, fibers etc. So , we all like to have a healthy diet specially after workout . After work out we all require lrotiens to restore our energy and build muscle , after workout our glycogen levels can drop. Consuming sweet potatoes will help to restore them and, as they are complex carbohydrates, they will also give you slow releasing energy to help boost your energy during the day.

Sweet potatoes  are also rich in fibre, helping your body process the sugars, resulting in a steady supply of energy, for longer periods.  There are other benifits of eating a sweet potatoes .they contain copper, fiber, potassium which can help maintain healthy muscle tissue and replenish energy levels.


1. Improves your eyes and hair growth

Sweet potatoes contain high levels of votamin A, C,E etc . These vitamins helps in proper skin growth and hair growth . These vitamins helps replinish your damage skin and and will help to grow new healthy skin. So ultimately gives you youthful skin for longer time. Again vitamin C will help you get new and strong hairs.


2. Improves your digestion

The fibers present in sweet potatoes are very benifical for improving health and digestion tatoes contain large amounts of fibers and continous  consumption of sweet potatoes can increase your intake of fibers needed to promote proper digestion. The high fiber content of the sweet potatoes can also aid in preventing constipation in both children and adults.


3. Regulates blood pressure :

Other health benifits are they regulates proper blood pressure in your body. Sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium and potassium that helps in decrese in blood pressure .which then significantly reduces the chance of an individual developing a stroke or a coronary problem.

Magnesium is also consider as effective dietary component in the prevention of hypertension. which reduces the chances of individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


4. Improves fertility

Sweet potatoes are rich source of vitamin A and iron .studies shows that Vitamin A plays an integral role in improving reproductive performance . Iron is essential part of our daily diet.an increase in dietary intake of iron from food sources such as sweet potatoes can help reverse secondary fertility, as well as reduce the chances of women ending up suffering from ovulatory infertility.


5. Guards against ulcers :

An ulcer occurs when an inflamed tissue is shed from the mucous membrane or from the skin, and it can be quite painful. Studies shows  that the methanol extract from the root of a sweet potato can protect the gastrointestinal tissues from aspirin-induced ulcers. The results of these studies have proved that the sweet potatoes can be used in the treatment and management of peptic


Not only this but sweet potatoes have other benifits too. Sweet potatoes helps in diabetes, manage stress level, manage against cancer, minimize cardiovascular disease etc .it conains all rich vitamins and fibers that helps you give proper health balanced body. So, i strongly recommend all to consume and add sweet potatoes in your daily diet.

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