Beard are most fashionable and trendy these days and made a huge comeback as fashion trend in last 10 years.according to research womens are more attracted to guys with facial hair. but one have to understand the diffrent beard styles wich suits there face type.and nowdays 80% of youth like to have attractive beard .as it gives you cool and mature look.
We can clearly see people usually like people with cool beard may be due to the fact that he has a great skin.beard males appear much more intimidating to other men,since the beard helps to make the jawline appear much larger and broder.so there are pleanty of beard style in market .one have to smart enough to choose best beard style .
Before choosing the correct beard style you should be aware of proper and complete acessories for cutting ,trimming tools etc
Now in this post we will tell you the main benifits of growing beard.
1. Prevent form UV rays :
According to research having a thick beard can block 90% of UV rays and can prevent your face from cancer,the thicker the hair the better.so beard can prevent your skin from sun damage.its imortant to take care of your beard with right mositurising cream and other acessories.
2. Keep moisture alive :
People with thick beard do not have to worry about the dary skin.as your thick beard will not allow wind and cold air to target your face skin and kerps your skin moisture alive.thus the sebaceous glands help keeps your skin moistured better when you have a beard.so keep your skin moisture alive always with thick beard.
3. Prevents facial infections :
While having beard you are indirectly avoiding bacterial infections, this infection occured due to irregular shaving habits (cuts ,use of local products,no proper shaving procedure).growing clean beard will prevent you from small skin infections.
4. Keeps you young:
Beard will gives you more marure look and protect your skin from sun damage and wrinkles,so automatically it keeps your skin young and charming. One have to take proper care of skin along with beard to make his skin looks younger.
5. Prevents from Asthma :
Your beard can act as protection layer beteween harmful dust and nose .Your moustache that is around your nasal area stops allergens going up the nose and being inhaled by the lungs. Your beard acts as an additional barrier between your body and these toxics.
6. Prevents from Acne :
Acording to survey 50 % male gots acne problems due to wrong shaving techniques. And got skin burn and acne problems . Thus male having thick beard are already preventing there facial skin from all kind of facial acne or skin burn.
Thus in nut shell we got to know about some benifits of having or growing beard.but one should always aware of shaving techniques while growing thick beard. Click below link for furthur information.
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