The Ultimate Guide for Online Fitness Coaching
The Ultimate Guide for Online Fitness Coaching
Preparing to receive online fitness coaching? The Covid-19 outbreak has confined many of us indoors, but it doesn’t mean that we begin to lose track of our health and fitness goals.
The health and fitness industry is among the few industries that have quickly adapted to the new lifestyle changes and there has been a slew of online fitness coaching offers through mobile apps or by direct webcasts to help people stay fit and healthy.
Does online fitness coaching actually work?
Online fitness coaching (also called remote fitness coaching) has been used by professional athletes for long. Top coaches cannot be by their sides all the time. Hence, on many occasions, these athletes connect online with their coaches to get immediate advice and guidance.
After Covid-19, online fitness coaching has gone mainstream. Even the general public has adopted it.
Of course, maintaining fitness and having good health (good health also helps you fight the ill effects of the virus) are one of the main reasons why people want to continue their fitness schedule under professional guidance.
But another prominent reason is that since many people are locked down, they want to spend their time productively, and what could be more productive than getting healthy and fit by the time the world gets back to its feet?
How to maximize your benefit from online fitness coaching?
This is the ultimate guide to help you draw maximum benefit from your online fitness coaching. Follow these bits of advice and you will be as good as working out in a gym.
1. Work with a coach who understands online fitness coaching
Yes, not everyone can provide online fitness coaching. This is because the medium completely changes. It is different from standing in front of someone and providing instructions.
Your coach needs to understand that real-time video streaming might be buggy on his or her side or on your side. So, a little bit of patience will be needed. The problem often exacerbates when your fitness coach is providing training to multiple people at the same time.
It’s very important that you and your coach have a good Internet connection. It also helps if the camera on your mobile phone is of better quality.
2. If possible, cast your mobile phone screen on your TV
Following the instructions of your fitness coach on the small mobile screen, especially when you are working together, might be a problem.
These days, most of the mobile phones have the inbuilt screen casting feature. When you cast your mobile phone on your screen, the video streaming will be better, and so will be the sound.
3. Benefit from pre-recorded sessions
You don’t always have to work live with your fitness and health coach. Many coaches these days make fitness videos and upload them on their cloud drive and from there, people who are training under them can stream them on their mobile phones or other streaming devices.
A great benefit of doing your fitness training through pre-recorded sessions is that you don’t have to follow a common schedule. You can do your fitness exercises at your own convenient time and within your own privacy.
4. Use wireless earplugs that are sweat-resistant
Even if it is not possible for you to cast your mobile phone on a bigger screen, for better sound and audio you can use wireless earplugs. Why wireless?
You will be keeping the phone in front of you so that you can see your fitness instructor who is providing coaching online. The sound may not be clear. If music is being used, you won’t be able to hear the beats properly.
And of course, you will be sweating during your fitness exercises. Sweat can spoil the regular earplugs. But these days, since many people exercise wearing air plugs, you can easily get earplugs that are sweat resistant.
5. Arrange the weights and other equipment in advance
If you are attending live fitness classes and if there are many other participants, it is better to arrange the weights and all other equipment that you’re going to use during training in advance.
Just because people are getting training at home it doesn’t mean they will be patient with you when you’re scampering for your things while the others are waiting for you.
Even your instructor may have other classes to take and he or she cannot afford to spend extra 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there. Keep everything by your side by the time the online fitness class begins.
6. Take your family members into confidence
Getting fitness training at home will require some coordination from your family members. You can either encourage them to join you or ask them to not to disturb you when you are taking your fitness classes.
The same holds true for your pets. Your pets may get excited and may end up interrupting your class. Hence, ask your family members to take care of your pet while you are taking your online fitness class.
7. Spruce up your background if you want to
If it matters to you that your house or your indoors look good when you’re receiving fitness training, you can spruce up the corner that you think will be visible when you take your online fitness classes. Pick a room or a corner in your house and simply rearrange a few things so that your surroundings look presentable.
If you have a lawn, nothing like it. The only problem you may face while doing your workout on the lawn is that it may be a bit difficult for you to see the mobile phone screen under all that glare. In fact, this is the reason why most of the online fitness classes take place indoors.
Anyway, if you have a high-quality phone whose display is better even under sunlight, you will enjoy your online fitness class better on the lawn.
Taking or giving online fitness classes is a new experience for all the parties involved. Hence, some level of adjustment is needed from all the sides: from you, from the instructor, and also other participants.
Many experiences reach their ultimate goodness through trial and error, and the same is going to be the case when you decide to take your online fitness classes.
What works and what doesn’t work, you will find when you actually start taking the classes.
But the points mentioned above will certainly help you derive the maximum benefit. Stay healthy and fit.